Thursday, July 03, 2008
Previous Posts
- I thought I'd drop by and write something profound...
- Visit from the Little Blurpy Thing!
- Bean's Granfather in the Hospital
- Remember the little kitty I mentioned last time? H...
- Nemo?
- Checkin' in
- An open letter
- Goodbye....
- They can't see me.I can watch as the cats gather a...
- At least they are bringing my food out to me....An...
Who links to me?
Moses also posts at

Secret Paws

Catnip Anonymous
Attack of the Tabbies!
Awards, webrings and community sites
Cat WebMaster Award | ||
My Pet Outlet |

You think PETA is there to protect us? Think again.

This is a very sad story. You can help create a happy ending for it.

The Infinite Cat Project

Visit me at Catster!

Hiya! Maybe Carmel needs his very own brand new blog, and then go to the cat blogoshpere and tell everyone about it! You can get to the blogoshpere by clicking through at Max the Psychokitty's blog. I'm glad I peeked in here cause I NEVER get to leave comments and you;re here!!!
Hello Carmel! Um, did you know that bed is a cat's head an yur sleepin in him's mouf?
You mite like bloggin. Moses was a legend, but efurry cat is unique, just like the ofurs.
Hey Carmel. We love your little Garfield house you are relaxing in. His 40th birthday just passed by recently. Glad to meet you and hope you are having a great summer.
World of Animals
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