Monday, October 03, 2005

Upon seeing the squishy thing, the Gigolo Kitty said...

It's the Eye of Sauron! Seize it and your enemies will tremble at its power.

Or pee on it. It will be at the curb for trash pick within the hour.

He might be on to something here. There's plenty of stuffed animals being stored in the closet down here in the basement. Perhaps a change of litter facilities is in order.

Cat pee shows up really well on Penguins.


Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Moseskitty:

You are obviously a cat of great perspicacity. Penguins are an excellent choice.

And do remember to bury the detritus appropriately. Ripped out stuffing would be appropriate.



3:50 PM  
Blogger Shaggy and Scout said...

Howdy Oreo....
One of us, we won't tell who, peed on 2 of mom's favorite books the day she brought us home. She didn't have a litter box set up yet & we had to go. we saw her tote bag with the open top on the floor. Looked good enough for us! It's her fault the books were there....... B y the way, she can't get the scent out of the books or the bag!!!

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe! That was funny!

11:07 PM  
Blogger Timmy said...

I didn't know you could pee on things!! I've never done that a'fore...hmm...what shall I pee on first...Tangie!! Oh Taaaangieee...

11:18 AM  
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5:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info »

12:42 PM  

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