Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Bean's Granfather in the Hospital

The problem here is that the hospital isn;t giving him his antidepressant medication, and without it he gets paranoid and uncooperative. He's recovering physically from the pnemonia that origianlly put him there, but because he's not getting his medication, he's devloping other problems, not eating and not coooperatining with the nurses and doctors. Things are getting bad. Please keep him in prayer.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Remember the little kitty I mentioned last time? He's got a blog! Meet Little Nemo-otherwise known as devil kitten!


Thursday, June 01, 2006


My friends Shawna and Greg adopted a little kitten who looks just like me! I'm sure I'll get pics up sometime.

They named him Nemo.

Isn't that some form of animal cruelty?

Anyhow, here's a preview for Shawna and Greg of what they have in store for the immediate future. (censored for personal preferances)

Click to biggify!