Tuesday, October 11, 2005

It's getting cold again. The bad news is the windows are no longer open all the time. The good news is that the fireplace is being used again. That and the buggies keep wanting to come in too. Well let them come in. I've got a nice warm place for you...as long as you don't mind getting digested.


Blogger Ginger The Cat said...

The buggies want to come in here too! As does that Thing trying to get under our sink!

Mmmm, a fire. My Mommy/Daddy used to have a gas fireplace. Ahhhh. I miss that. They have a woodstove now but haven't lit it EVER. Ever.

*stalks off flicking tail*

10:33 PM  
Blogger Shaggy and Scout said...

Getting cold in Minnesota too! Had a couple frosts too. That kills all the bugs.

10:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Dear Moseskitty:

I would not worry too much about the buggies. I understand they love getting close to the fire - extremely close.

I hope there is a woolly blanket thoughtfully placed near the fireplace for you?



11:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We don't have a place for a fire, and buggies are starting to try and come in, but mom kills 'em. A wooly blanket DOES sound nice!

10:46 AM  

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